Namespace QuikGraph.Algorithms.MaximumFlow
AllVerticesGraphAugmentorAlgorithm<TVertex, TEdge>
Algorithm that augment all vertices of a graph by adding edge between all vertices from super source and to super sink.
EdmondsKarpMaximumFlowAlgorithm<TVertex, TEdge>
Edmond and Karp maximum flow algorithm for directed graph with positive capacities and flows.
GraphAugmentorAlgorithmBase<TVertex, TEdge, TGraph>
Base class for all graph augmentor algorithms.
GraphBalancerAlgorithm<TVertex, TEdge>
Algorithm that computes a the graph balancing by finding vertices causing surplus or deficits.
MaximumFlowAlgorithm<TVertex, TEdge>
Base class for all maximum flow algorithms.
MultiSourceSinkGraphAugmentorAlgorithm<TVertex, TEdge>
Multi source and sink graph augmentor algorithm.
ReversedEdgeAugmentorAlgorithm<TVertex, TEdge>
Routines to add and remove auxiliary edges when using EdmondsKarpMaximumFlowAlgorithm<TVertex, TEdge> or InternalCompute(). Remember to call RemoveReversedEdges() to remove auxiliary edges.